Friday, January 2, 2009

Some interesting links (and pictures) around the net

When I was investigating if the BenQ E72 was a device for me - it was very hard to find any evidence if it had the option to attach a lanyard. Finally I found a set of pictures that told me where it was hidden, see the Taiwanese forum here (Google translated link).
Further squeezing out Google pictures search has also revealed some other interesting links that depict the history of the device's release roadmap. Initial pictures still show the BenQ-Siemens logo and a less glary screen, e.g. here or here or here or here.
It is interesting to note that marketing plans had initially thought about a sliver model, as can be derived from the existence of shop dummies - seen here. Even a black-silver version seemed to exist in the plans, as can be seen here (looks like photoshop-ed version though).
While the device is not really cutting edge technology any longer - plans originate in the 2006 range - I do not have much hope for any further serious updates for this little gadget. It seems though that BenQ (or the mother QisDa) have found cooperations to sell a few of these units around the world. Kyocera sells them as E4000 - and I have even seen evidence (Google translated link) that a Windows Mobile 6.1 version exists for that (despite the Kyocera site tells it is WM6 only). Thanks to the Polish E72 community forum (see left side + here - thanks for revealing the source!). Maybe I can convice some over there to dump us a ROM of that?!

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